



Mountain Pines


Let us open our hearts in prayer with the innocence and purity of Children ... for the Heart of a Child is only a Heartbeat from Eternity ...

We call upon the Earth our Mother ...

Beloved Earth Mother ... on this day we are praying to you ... we are praying as one voice ...

Blessed is the fruit of your womb ... May your crystal heart reach up and touch our hearts with the resonance of our your Divine Being ...

May your crystal heart help to ground our dreams of a new Earth and Humanity deep into the core of our physical reality and Divine Being ...

We call upon the Beloved Air ...

We are praying as one voice ...

We stand as one with you ...

We invoke the air to blow through the wind and flow through us to remove all obstacles that block our pathway of expansion and enlightenment ...

Let us breathe in the sacred breath of Life ...

Let us breathe in the breath of Divine Empowerment ...

Let us breathe in deeply the prana of our Divine Being ...

Let the winds of change blow over us and amplify our senses of awareness to perceive the world in a new light of expanded awareness ...

May the Wind always blow through our minds and thoughts and provide us with knowledge to succeed to our highest and greatest potential ...

We call upon the Waters of Life ... the Water of Life is sacred ... on this day we are praying to you as one voice ...

We hold our universal cup high and we ask that the dews of heaven flow freely through us as an expression of unconditional love to bless all life ...

Let the waters flow freely through us to bless every man, women and child in the presence of their Divine Being ...

We call upon the Fire of Life ... the Fire of Life is sacred ... on this day we are praying as one ...

We invoke the flame of Divine Inheritance to spark the fire of passion and purpose deep within the core of our Being ...

Let the sacred fire burn through the cords of limitation ... burn the ties and attachments that no longer serve our Divine purpose ...

Let the sacred fire burn through all patterns of insecurity, denial and unworthiness ...

Let the sacred fire burn through all addictive behaviors and negative patterns that have hampered us from attaining our Divine purpose and Being ...

We hereby activate the fire of our Divine Potential to see beyond our limitations so that we may fulfill and actively participate as the children of a new Earth to create a better world of love and light ...

Let that fire burn deeply within the core of our being and touch our sacred hearts with lessons that will open us to see, feel and hear, the sounds to the Source of our Being ...

Allow the passion motivation and intention of our higher selves ... our Divine Being to connect our thoughts into the higher frequencies of love and light, where Humanity's true purpose is known ...

Allow those feelings of ecstasy to ignite every cell in our body so that we shall succeed in every way, in every moment as Divine Beings of Light ...

And in wholeness of Spirit we shall begin to walk the walk, to speak our truth, and begin to actively participate in creating the reality around us ... a new Earth ...

Let us heal the war between our heads and our hearts ... betwen our ego and spirit ... so there will be no more wars between our neighbours and nations ...

Let us heal our own pain and anger ... so there will be no more violence but only love...

Let us release all our lost expectations ... so we may walk in the beauty of the Present Moment ...

We call upon the power within these prayers to ignite the sacred flame within our physical bodies and empower our every action to succeed to our greatest and highest potential of love and light ...

And from this moment forward we invoke the greatest amount of healing, expansion and enlightenment that the All-That-Is will allow unto us ...

Peace be with you ... Always, now, and every moment ...

From the sacred hearts of our souls ... We gift these words to you with unconditional love ...

So Be It

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I hope some of you had been working with the nature spirits as in the last newsletter. Forests, Gardens, Trees are very healing. You only need to intend for a healing and they will work with you.

Here is another Angelic Meditation: First Invoke your higher self, guides and angels to be with you for this mediation. (It's powerful to add the mantra, 'kadoish,kadoish, kadoish, adonay, tsabayoth' as this commands only the highest energies to surround you).

Relax with feet uncrossed, sitting or lying down. Imagine roots growing out of the bottom of your feet, intend these roots grow down into the Earth and connect with a beautiful golden crystal in the center of the Earth. (The angelic energy is in this crystal) Breath up this golden light from this crystal up through your legs and into your heart center.

Allow your heart to fill with this golden light. Allow flower petals to open around your 'spiritual heart' out of 12 or more petals, how many do you sense are open right now?

If there are less than 12, shine the golden light that you are breathing and and from your inner being like a giant sunbeam and wake up the remaining petals until all 12 are unfurled.

Allow branches to 'grow' out of the top of your head (your crown) and connect with the angelic realm above, breath in the golden light from your crown. Now keep breathing from 'heaven and from earth'

Imagine yourself in a beautiful sacred space, and get a sense of your surroundings. Allow your guardian angel to come forth and greet you. Get a sense of your angel. You can invoke your guardian angel or any other angels you wish to visit you to come forth.

Invoke and intend the angels of any quality or situation you wish for to come forward and bring the energy of that to you. If there are any lessons or forgivenesses, be ready to get them first. Get a sense of the angels coming in and surrounding you and filling you with the healing energies. When you sense they are finished, thank the angels and sense yourself coming back into your space. Its good to end with three 'Ohms'.


Invoking in Archangel Michael to cut old energetic cords:

Feel your feet grounded into the earth. 'I invoke the Mighty Archangel Michael to bring me strength and courage and bring positive results to my endeavors. I ask that he cut all negative time attachments and cords with his sword of blue light. I ask that he place his deep blue cloak of protection around me, and allow in the highest purest light to enter my aura.'


© Copyright 2000 - 2022. Lift Your Spirit / Donna Joyce. All rights reserved.